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Scheduling & Graduation Requirements


The Scheduling Hub provides you with all of the information that you need to sign up for your classes for the next school year. We are proud of the many classes we have to offer including Honors classes, AP classes, IB courses, Career & Technical Education programs, and classes in our strong visual and performing arts programs. There is something for everyone at Farmington High School.

FHS Scheduling hub

Student scheduling & course guide

Schedule Changes

  • All requests for schedule changes are due by the 3rd day of the semester!
  • Not all requests will be fulfilled.
  • Requests for schedule changes are for the following reasons:
    • The student has an incomplete schedule.
    • The student has a failure from the previous semester in a prerequisite course (based on availability).
    • The student completed a course previously that is on the schedule (repeat).
    • Student has both terms of a class in the same semester (A and B).
    • Classes are out of sequence.
    • Seniors missing a graduation requirement.
    • Student did not request the course or select it as an alternate.
  • If you meet the above criteria, print out and complete the form listed below, indicate your name and grade, check the bullet point that applies to you and explain what needs to be changed. If you do NOT meet the above criteria, you must complete the form AND provide a detailed description why you are requesting a change
  • Request for others reasons, including level changes, must be made in writing by the student and approved by administration. Upon Administrator approval, changes can only be made based on availability. 

Schedule change request form

International Baccalaureate Programme (IBP)

  • 24 Credits Required for Graduation.
  • IBDP Courses are taken in 11th & 12th grade.
  • IBDP classes will be offered only if course request minimums are met.
  • Students who choose to opt out of the full IB Diploma Programme must complete all District & State requirements. Contact your counselor for specific details regarding the courses required for graduation and/or NCAA.

IB Application

IBDP Graduation Requirements

IBDP Course registration worksheets

IBCP Scheduling worksheets

Graduation Requirements

FHS Graduation requirements 2025-2027

FHS Graduation requirements 2028 & Beyond

Course registration worksheets

Grading Policy

  • Students have the opportunity to earn a total of 24 credits.  If a student should fail a class, he/she is encouraged to make up that credit.

Grading system

Credit Policy

  • Students have the opportunity to earn a total of 24 credits.  If a student should fail a class, he/she is encouraged to make up that credit.
  • On occasion, a student fails multiple classes.  If they should fail four courses (two credits), their graduation from Farmington High School is very much in jeopardy. 
  • The Farmington District allows a student to earn up to four credits through classes outside the district.  This includes accredited virtual learning programs, summer school at other districts, and correspondence classes. All outside credits to be used for make up credit must have prior approval from the student’s counselor.
  • Students have four years of traditional public high school, after that time and they have not received their diploma by August 31st of their last year of high school, they will need to contact Farmington Central High School (248-489-3333) about a graduation plan.

Additional Forms / Applications

Below are additional forms that may need to be completed to register for a class:

  • Dance 4 - Dance Company Audition
    • This class takes place at Farmington High School. Students who wish to  participate in Dance Company must complete this application and audition.  Please be aware that students must provide their own transportation to participate in this program.
    • Dance company audition application
  • TV 10
    • This class takes place at North Farmington.  Students who wish to participate in TV10 must complete an application.  Please be aware that students must provide their own transportation to participate in this program.
    • TV 10 Application
  • Dual Enrollment
    • Students who wish to take a college course in place of one of their FHS classes.  Please review this dual enrollment process, and reach out to your counselor for more information.  Attending a college class while a high school student is possible when the district and State of Michigan eligibility guidelines are followed. Contact your counselor for information. 
    • dual enrollment checklist
    • Dual Enrollment Voucher
    • Dual Enrollment Q&A
  • Online Learning Contract
    • The intent of this contract is to outline the standards and behaviors that are expected of students who choose to participate in one or more online courses. This contract covers all MVHS, E2020 courses, and other online providers. This contract also provides details as to how parents can support the online learning experience.
    • Students wishing to take 1 or 2 online courses in place of the equivalent number of FHS courses.
    • Online Learning Contract
  • Credit Exchange Form
    • In some specific instances, the State of Michigan and Farmington Public Schools allow the modification of Science and/or World Language credits required for graduation through the "Exchange" of Credits. 
    • The exchange of credits represents a modification of the FPS recommended graduation requirements. 
    • The decision to exchange credits should be made after careful consideration of a student's future educational and career goals.
    • Credit exchange form
  • Making a CTE Program Completer for Exchange Credit
    • This is a list of CTE courses that can be used to complete a credit exchange.
    • Making a CTE Program Completer for 1.0 Exchange Credit in Science or World Language or Visual, Performing, & Applied Arts.
    • CTE Exchange Credit
    • CTE Credit Equivalency guide
  • EMT Application/Teacher Recommendation
  • Early Graduation Application - Seniors Only
    • This is only for current 11th grade students who wish to graduate after the first semester of senior year.
    • Students must have 22 credits by the end of the first semester to be eligible. 
    • Application for Early Graduation
  • Testing Out 
    • Students may test out of any courses that they are not currently attending. 
    • To test out, students must exhibit mastery of the essential student learning for the course and must attain a C+ or higher on a comprehensive course assessment. 
    • Students may also be required to demonstrate the mastery through assessments used in the class, which may include, but are not limited to, papers, portfolios, performances, projects, and/or presentations.
    • Testing Out Application